from Stavanger hpl. 19 it is a 35 min walk

Stavanger Forum
Stavanger Forum holds the distinction as the biggest and most famous exhibition centre in Norway, and it’s based in the city of Stavanger. The exhibition centre is operated by its own professional congress organiser in house and is home to a variety of concerts, exhibitions and corporate events. Stavanger Forum works with 25 meeting rooms whose capacities vary between as little as 10 and as many as 1707 people: that’s a total capacity of 4000 seats. The overall exhibition space amounts to 30,000 m² (~323,000 sq. ft.). Stavanger Forum was constructed in 1981 and since then has been reconstruction once in 2001. Another new improvement was introduced in 2004, when the Forum Expo opened its doors for the very first time.
In addition to meetings and exhibitions, the exhibition complex also has a modern concert venue that can house up to 8000 music fans ready to immerse themselves into unforgettable shows. The biggest event to be held at Stavanger Forum is perhaps ONS – the world's second-largest oil and gas exhibition. It’s a regularly fixed event that brings to the city up to 90,000 trade visitors. There are two parking areas within the complex – one with 289 regular spaces and 6 spaces for electric cars and one with 360 regular spaces and 10 spaces for electric cars. Stavanger Forum is really easy to reach as it’s up to 5 minutes via car from the city centre and 15 minutes from the airport. In terms of public transport, there are several bus lines.
from Stavanger hpl. 19 is a 7 min car drive (2.8km)
from Stavanger Airport = 15 min (13.2km)
from Stavanger hpl. 19 take bus 2 or 3 for 15 min (7 stops)
from Stavanger Airport walk to Helikopter Service and take bus 42 to Prestaskjersveien (25 stops) where you need to switch to bus nr 2 for 15 stops (13 min) to Tjensvollkrysse and in an about 5 min walk you will reach your destination

ONS, Stavanger, Norway
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